Worship Leader Dan MacLaren brought
us the Service this Palm Sunday.
We had Scripture Readings from Anne Porty-Sarty,
Luke 19: 29-40 and a responsive reading with Psalm 118 VU 837.
Robbie was in the Castle and spoke to Barb and the kids about Jesus and Palm Sunday.
The Choir sang as usual and did a great job on a hymn from the Voices United #124 He came Riding
on a Donkey, which is a new song to the Zion Hymn repertoire.
The Sunday School kids had a great time as usual with Miss Cathy. She always has something fun and interesting to do with the kids. Even I learned something from her classes. If you would like to know what they are doing in these pics, I would like you to ask the kids to see if they can tell you what they learned.
As promised as well those who were interested, got a crash course on the use of the AED (Automated Emergency Defibrillator) which was recently purchased by Zion. It was very informative. I hope we never have an opportunity to use it. Shirley is holding an emergency First Aid and CPR course in April 5th at Zion United. This is an all day course and if anyone is interested, please call Shirley 354-3291 to register and get details on cost.
Next Sunday is Easter Sunday and we will have Rev. Lloyd Gilleo leading our service at Zion. Hope to see you all then.