Thanks to Shirley Shot for providing the service this week at Zion United. Shirley's Sermon was called
"The Gift of Sight"
John Pitblado was the Elder on Duty to greet everyone. There is always a hub of activity in the foyer before Church. Danny is ringing the Church Bells, Dan MacLaren and Terry Dorey look on and John is chasing Micheal through the foyer. 
We also had the pleasure of some old friends in Church this week. Rev Neil and Linda MacDonald joined us.
So, of course we put Neil back to work with the Lighthouse. Here he is with Valerie Wilcox and her grand daughter Rachel.
Molly Titus read the scriptures this week

Ephesians 5: 8-14 and John 9: 1-41, Robbie the Dragon was in the Castle, Dale Wolfe read the Minutes for Mission and we heard from the Zion United Choir. A very interesting and varied service. It is nice to see the congregation so involved in the service and next week, we hope you can make it as the Sunday School children become part of the service as well.
Easter is the theme in the Sunday School class. Here are Micheal and Brooke showing off their Easter Wreath. They will be providing a portion of the service next week with the rest of the Zion United Sunday School class.
Everyone is welcome to join our Social Time in Gorham Hall for food and fellowship. We often have some old friends join us and everyone has a catch up.