The following is a message from a friend of Kirk MacLeod's who set up the KIRK FUND to help the family of Kirk MacLeod.
When you meet Kirk MacLeod you come away with a strong sense of the kind of man he is: passionate, driven, fearless. Whether you met Kirk in a war zone during his UN service or in the water while he was training for the BIG SWIM, you remember him. His presence alone leaves others inspired to push themselves out of their comfort zones and to work harder to reach their dreams. You get the feeling that Kirk has never met a challenge he didn’t take on 110%. He inspires us all.
In the past year we have seen Kirk handle a great deal of personal hardship and loss with strength and grace. He amazed us all when he registered for the BIG SWIM shortly after finishing cancer treatments. He was not a swimmer yet he committed to the challenge, trained hard, raised a great deal of money for a children’s charity and not only finished the swim but walked out of the water in PEI strong and proud.
Always willing to give of himself for the benefit of others, Kirk has shared himself with us as a media spokesman for the BIG SWIM and has motivated both the BIG SWIM and BIG RIDE participants with his story. When others may have preferred privacy, Kirk bravely told us all about his cancer story, the struggles and the triumphs, and left us all feeling motivated to do more, give more and live better.
Many of us touched by Kirk’s story want to help. His friends and family were happy to donate to his BIG SWIM fundraising efforts but there is a strong urge to do more to support Kirk and his family directly during this difficult time. As you can imagine, the financial situation over the last several years has been difficult for Kirk & Paige. We all know Kirk to be a very proud man who's reluctance to ask for financial assistance has been prominent. Kirk has only just returned to his home after once again being admitted suddenly into the hospital, and underwent yet another surgery. After many requests and some prodding, Kirk and Paige have reluctantly agreed to a fundraising effort, with the caveat that the funds will go to support their children. We may not be able to be there in person to bring a hot dinner or lend a helping hand but we can band together to support this amazing family by giving them an amazing experience.