Congregation Church Est. 1760 Centenary Methodist Church. Est 1782 - Located 409 Main St., Liverpool, Queens County, Nova Scotia.
Zion Calendar
Thursday, 10 April 2014
Monday, 7 April 2014
General Secretary's Weekly Letter
April 4, 2014
Dear Friends,
I was in Edmonton last week for the whole week. I haven’t been travelling a lot since taking on family responsibilities three years ago, but this was important.
The Truth and Reconciliation Commission, created out of the settlement agreement between Aboriginal groups, churches, and the federal government to address the legacy of Indian Residential Schools, held its seventh and final national event It was the same week that all of the Conference Executive Secretaries and Speaker would normally have gathered in Toronto to meet with management staff from the General Council Office for our semi-annual “staff leaders” meeting, so we held those meetings in Edmonton instead to enable the whole group to be part of the Truth and Reconciliation event.
The United Church of Canada was instrumental in forging the settlement agreement 8 years ago and, with the leadership of successive Moderators and the Indigenous Justice and Residential Schools Committee, this work has been high priority for us ever since. With the Commission’s mandate just over a year from completion, the Commissioners are entering their writing phase, and the churches and other parties are reflecting on the work that will need to continue after the Commission’s work is completed.
For anyone who has not been to any of the national or regional Truth and Reconciliation events, I can just say that they are a powerful experience. Well, I will say more, but in saying it I recognize that whatever I tell will convey so much less than having direct encounters and hearing the stories of individual survivors.
There were a lot of United Church people there: in addition to the Moderator and staff leaders, there were many from Alberta and Northwest Conference and neighbouring Conferences, significant groups from Toronto Conference and the All Native Circle Conference, and the president of London Conference. I kept running into people I knew, and I know there were many others I didn’t see. I was struck by comments from people who had heard about these issues for years, and were surprised to find the depth of understanding that came through experiencing this event. Hearing the stories, told with anger and with grace, simply is terribly moving.
I was one who approached the event with some degree of apprehension. I’ve heard some of these painful stories before and seen the impacts of the residential schools on friends and colleagues. I knew it would be a painful time, and it was. It was also an uplifting time and a time of learning. I’ve encountered some of the difficult stories before, but there is so much that I haven’t heard, that I don’t know. For any of us who did not attend residential school, we will never fully comprehend the experience, and can always seek deeper understanding.
Being the United Church representative in a listening circle with a group of survivors was an uncomfortable yet precious experience. The experiences those survivors told have left strong images in my mind of the children they were and the things they experienced.
Here was a young teen sent home after a year at her school because of her rebellious nature, now doing healing work helping others in her community come to grips with the aftermath of their residential school experiences.
Here was a lonely 6-year-old who wanted to go to school to be with his older sisters, but wasn’t allowed to talk to them at the school. Instead he talked to the moon he saw out the window at night and thought of it shining over his parents at home, too. The gentle elder remembering these things said he learned to cope by supressing his emotions.
Here was an elder who has shared traditional spiritual practices with people in his First Nation, and others across Canada and in other parts of the world. A holy man. He studied the Bible at residential school, but knows the sacred truths it contains were broken in the way the students were treated.
Here was an elder telling of his 4-year-old self leaving on a boat, and looking back to see his mother crying on the shore. The abuse that followed at the school was so shockingly different from what he had known at home. Sixty years later, the sense of desolation is still there.
There are common threads through these experiences, and yet each story is unique, personal, and important.
Statements made on behalf of the United Church, and the Canadian Council of Churches, left me feeling both proud and humble.
Many elements of the event were livestreamed , and we have posted videos on the United Church’s YouTube channel. There was so much to hear, and so much to say about the experience of hearing these things.
The Truth and Reconciliation experience is heavy, but not unrelentingly so. Part of the way survivors cope is by enjoying visits with schoolmates, sharing funny memories, looking at pictures of themselves as kids, and lifting up hopes for better lives for children and grandchildren.
Personally, I found balance in enjoying visits with church friends, northern friends, First Nations and Inuit friends, non-Aboriginal friends, survivors, and the next generations.
It is in relationship, as well as lifting up the painful stories that must never be forgotten, that we will, together, figure out the things to do to make sure that these things are never repeated. There is a place for all in our church, and all Canadians, in this process.
Peace be with you.
The Zion Family sends our Sympathies and Condolences to the family of Kirk MacLeod
Kirk MacLeod passed away early Sunday morning April 6, 2014 after a long battle with cancer. The Zion United Church has set up Love Offering for Kirk's children, in support of Gabriel and Cleo's Education Fund. You can donate through the Church on Sunday's or you can donate through the fund which is explained below.

The following is a message from a friend of Kirk MacLeod's who set up the KIRK FUND to help the family of Kirk MacLeod.
When you meet Kirk MacLeod you come away with a strong sense of the kind of man he is: passionate, driven, fearless. Whether you met Kirk in a war zone during his UN service or in the water while he was training for the BIG SWIM, you remember him. His presence alone leaves others inspired to push themselves out of their comfort zones and to work harder to reach their dreams. You get the feeling that Kirk has never met a challenge he didn’t take on 110%. He inspires us all.
In the past year we have seen Kirk handle a great deal of personal hardship and loss with strength and grace. He amazed us all when he registered for the BIG SWIM shortly after finishing cancer treatments. He was not a swimmer yet he committed to the challenge, trained hard, raised a great deal of money for a children’s charity and not only finished the swim but walked out of the water in PEI strong and proud.
Always willing to give of himself for the benefit of others, Kirk has shared himself with us as a media spokesman for the BIG SWIM and has motivated both the BIG SWIM and BIG RIDE participants with his story. When others may have preferred privacy, Kirk bravely told us all about his cancer story, the struggles and the triumphs, and left us all feeling motivated to do more, give more and live better.
Many of us touched by Kirk’s story want to help. His friends and family were happy to donate to his BIG SWIM fundraising efforts but there is a strong urge to do more to support Kirk and his family directly during this difficult time. As you can imagine, the financial situation over the last several years has been difficult for Kirk & Paige. We all know Kirk to be a very proud man who's reluctance to ask for financial assistance has been prominent. Kirk has only just returned to his home after once again being admitted suddenly into the hospital, and underwent yet another surgery. After many requests and some prodding, Kirk and Paige have reluctantly agreed to a fundraising effort, with the caveat that the funds will go to support their children. We may not be able to be there in person to bring a hot dinner or lend a helping hand but we can band together to support this amazing family by giving them an amazing experience.

The following is a message from a friend of Kirk MacLeod's who set up the KIRK FUND to help the family of Kirk MacLeod.
When you meet Kirk MacLeod you come away with a strong sense of the kind of man he is: passionate, driven, fearless. Whether you met Kirk in a war zone during his UN service or in the water while he was training for the BIG SWIM, you remember him. His presence alone leaves others inspired to push themselves out of their comfort zones and to work harder to reach their dreams. You get the feeling that Kirk has never met a challenge he didn’t take on 110%. He inspires us all.
In the past year we have seen Kirk handle a great deal of personal hardship and loss with strength and grace. He amazed us all when he registered for the BIG SWIM shortly after finishing cancer treatments. He was not a swimmer yet he committed to the challenge, trained hard, raised a great deal of money for a children’s charity and not only finished the swim but walked out of the water in PEI strong and proud.
Always willing to give of himself for the benefit of others, Kirk has shared himself with us as a media spokesman for the BIG SWIM and has motivated both the BIG SWIM and BIG RIDE participants with his story. When others may have preferred privacy, Kirk bravely told us all about his cancer story, the struggles and the triumphs, and left us all feeling motivated to do more, give more and live better.
Many of us touched by Kirk’s story want to help. His friends and family were happy to donate to his BIG SWIM fundraising efforts but there is a strong urge to do more to support Kirk and his family directly during this difficult time. As you can imagine, the financial situation over the last several years has been difficult for Kirk & Paige. We all know Kirk to be a very proud man who's reluctance to ask for financial assistance has been prominent. Kirk has only just returned to his home after once again being admitted suddenly into the hospital, and underwent yet another surgery. After many requests and some prodding, Kirk and Paige have reluctantly agreed to a fundraising effort, with the caveat that the funds will go to support their children. We may not be able to be there in person to bring a hot dinner or lend a helping hand but we can band together to support this amazing family by giving them an amazing experience.
It's National Volunteer Week Apr 6-12.
from the General Council Office,
recognize and celebrate National Volunteer Week (April 6–12, 2014), the United
Church’s Moderator, the Right Rev. Gary Paterson, has written a letter of
thanks to the many thousands of United Church members and adherents who
generously volunteer their time and talents every day.
Moderator’s letter can be found at the end of this message. It is also posted
on The United Church of Canada’s website
as a PDF document so that, if you wish, the letter can be printed and posted on
a bulletin board or copied and given to volunteers in your congregation.
as a special tribute during National Volunteer Week, we are inviting United
Church individuals and congregations to celebrate the contribution of the
volunteers in their midst by telling us about what they—and you—are doing and
how this work has had a positive impact in the community.
post your tributes on The United Church of Canada’s Facebook page:
and Public Relations
United Church of Canada
ext. 2016
ext. 2016
Friday, April 4, 2014
there are varieties of gifts, but the same Spirit; and there are varieties of
services, but the same Lord; and there are varieties of activities, but it is
the same God who activates all of them in everyone. To each is given the
manifestation of the Spirit for the common good.” 1 Corinthians 12:4–7 (NRSV)
Dear sisters and brothers
in Christ,
I am writing today as
Moderator to say thank you to the many thousands of volunteers who are part of
our United Church family.
Volunteers are the heart,
soul, and backbone of The United Church of Canada from coast to coast to coast.
It’s impossible to calculate the number of volunteer hours offered each day,
week, month, and year in congregations and communities throughout Canada and
around the world; the positive impact of that work is equally immeasurable. But
when you stop to think about it, even within your own congregation, it is truly
In my travels as
Moderator, I have met many hundreds of faithful volunteers, all of whom have
offered countless hours in service to others. And United Church people don’t
limit their volunteering to church activities—you will find them involved in
projects that benefit the whole community, assisting individuals in need, and
contributing their time and talents in ways that help to make this a better
Whether it’s working at a
food bank, being a volunteer driver, organizing a fundraiser, or visiting a
patient in hospital, there is always much to do. And you do it, faithfully,
generously, and with a smile.
Thank you.
The Right Rev. Gary PatersonModerator
The United Church of Canada/L’Église Unie du Canada
Thursday, 27 March 2014
PRESS RELEASE: United Church Members Are Being Asked to Sign a Pledge for Medicare
March 25, 2014
Church Members Are Being Asked to Sign a Pledge for Medicare
For 60 years The United Church of Canada has advocated in
support of universal health care. Now the church is calling on its members to sign the
Medicare Pledge launched by the Canadian Health Coalition, a public advocacy organization dedicated to the preservation
and improvement of Medicare.
Medicare Pledge is part of an ongoing campaign spearheaded by the coalition, of
which the United Church is a member. In part, the pledge says that “quality health care must be
based on need, not ability to pay” and that we “must improve our public health
care for everyone, instead of expanding private for-profit services that
benefit only a few.” So far over 10,000 Canadians and more than 100
organizations, including the United Church, have signed the pledge.
United Church’s call for its members to sign the Medicare Pledge comes just
days before a National Day of Action for a New Health Accord on March 31. The
day of action coincides with the date that the current health accord between
the federal government, the provinces, and the territories expires. Thus far,
the federal government has refused to renegotiate the agreement.
coalition argues that without a new health accord it will be impossible to
ensure national health care standards across the country.
is not something that Canadians should take for granted,” says The United
Church of Canada’s Moderator, the Right Rev. Gary Paterson. “Signing the
Medicare Pledge is one way to ensure that, for generations to come, the health
care system that we have been privileged to enjoy is preserved and protected.”
For more than half a century, the United Church has
supported the concept of universally accessible health care for all Canadians.
In 1954, the church first endorsed the principle of a national health insurance
plan, and urged all levels of government to move toward the establishment of
such a plan. In 1994, it strongly affirmed its support for the core principles
of Medicare: that Canada’s health care system remains universal, accessible,
comprehensive, portable, and publicly administered.
sign the Medicare Pledge go to .
more information
United Church of Canada
ext. 2016
ext. 2016
Monday, 24 March 2014
General Secretary's Weekly Letter
March 21,
Dear Friends,
In a recent conversation, a wise person of our church said that for him, worship was really about being grateful.
I liked that description, and yet realized that sometimes I struggle to find that gratefulness. This week has been one of those times.
We got back from holidays a week ago to the news that the wonderful pre-teen daughter of good friends had within the previous week been diagnosed with cancer and died. There is no sense to be made of it, no way to justify the giant hole left in this close family, and the deep loss for all the classmates, teammates, friends, and relatives left behind. A young girl on the verge of womanhood, a proud farm girl, a bright student, an active participator in soccer and dance and 4H, a girl whose calm nature attracted the confidence of animals, a loving sister and daughter, is gone. Gone in the same instant are all the treasured hopes and dreams for her future.
Gratefulness isn't the first thing that comes to mind.
If I dig deep enough, there are things to be grateful for. The grieving family has a wide circle of friends and family offering love and support. They have a church community and a faith base that gives them a framework to grapple with their stark new reality. These things can’t erase their pain, but surely they offer comfort, at least some of the time.
I am grateful for God’s love that surrounds us always, at the times we feel grateful, at the times we feel angry, and even the times when we feel most distant from God.
“Blessed are those who mourn, for they will be comforted.” May it be so.
Dear Friends,
In a recent conversation, a wise person of our church said that for him, worship was really about being grateful.
I liked that description, and yet realized that sometimes I struggle to find that gratefulness. This week has been one of those times.
We got back from holidays a week ago to the news that the wonderful pre-teen daughter of good friends had within the previous week been diagnosed with cancer and died. There is no sense to be made of it, no way to justify the giant hole left in this close family, and the deep loss for all the classmates, teammates, friends, and relatives left behind. A young girl on the verge of womanhood, a proud farm girl, a bright student, an active participator in soccer and dance and 4H, a girl whose calm nature attracted the confidence of animals, a loving sister and daughter, is gone. Gone in the same instant are all the treasured hopes and dreams for her future.
Gratefulness isn't the first thing that comes to mind.
If I dig deep enough, there are things to be grateful for. The grieving family has a wide circle of friends and family offering love and support. They have a church community and a faith base that gives them a framework to grapple with their stark new reality. These things can’t erase their pain, but surely they offer comfort, at least some of the time.
I am grateful for God’s love that surrounds us always, at the times we feel grateful, at the times we feel angry, and even the times when we feel most distant from God.
“Blessed are those who mourn, for they will be comforted.” May it be so.
Wednesday, 19 March 2014
Zion United would like to send Condolences and Sympathies to the family of Malcolm Charlton
Charlton; Malcolm Anthony
CHARLTON -- Malcolm Anthony, 67, of Liverpool, formerly of Montreal. It is with deep sorrow that we announce the passing of a dear husband and father on Sunday, March 16, 2014.
Born in Montreal, Quebec, he was the son of the late Earl and Agnes-Marie Charlton (MacKenzie).
Malcolm’s pride and joy was his family, which included not only his wife and daughter, but his dear friends and fellow Masons. He felt it an honour and a privilege to be elected Worshipful Master of Zetland Lodge #9, his only regret is that he was too ill to serve.
Malcolm’s passion lay in radio and television production, an industry that saw him produce and direct numerous documentaries and variety programming, work in the CBC national radio newsroom and run the CBC Montreal newsroom. Malcolm was director of Hockey Night in Canada for nine years and was at the helm of National finals in a multitude of other important sports broadcasts, and later worked at CTV Montreal and 940News prior to his retirement. Even in retirement though, Malcolm could not stay away. He was a significant presence from the outset at Liverpool’s QCCR radio before starting his own daily news site, Queens County Close-up.
Malcolm leaves to mourn his loving wife of 45 years, Linda (Ridley), his daughter Phaedra (Jamie Huskins), special friend Kathleen Quinlan, new and old friends and Masonic brothers, all of whom offered Malcolm such overwhelming support.
Cremation has taken place under the direction of Chandlers’ Funeral Home, Liverpool. Visitation to be held at Chandlers’ on Sunday, March 23, 2014, from 7:00 pm to 9:00 pm. Funeral service will be held at St. Gregory’s Catholic Church, Liverpool, March 24, 2014, at 11:00am, Fr Keith Billard officiating. Reception immediately following at the Trinity Anglican Church Hall. Burial will be at a later date. No flowers by request. Donations may be made to the Queens Branch of the SPCA, PO Box 2012, Liverpool, NS, B0T 1K0 Online condolences may be made to
The family would particularly like to thank Dr. Norah Mogan and the staff at Queens General for their thoughtful and compassionate care of the entire family during Malcolm’s final hours.
Wednesday, 12 March 2014
Zion sends sympathies and condolences to the family of Bob Stafford
Stafford; Robert Edward
STAFFORD -- Robert Edward, 77, of Liverpool, passed away suddenly on Monday, March 10, 2014 in Halifax Infirmary.
Born in Sherbrooke, PQ, he was a son of the late Leonard and Grace (Webster) Stafford.
Robert was a partner in his own chartered accounting firm, Stafford, Lyon and Noble, in Sherbrooke before moving to Nova Scotia in 1978, working with Cecil Smith, and eventually beginning a new firm Stafford and Raymond. He “retired” in mid 2006. He was an active member and past president of the local Progressive Conservative Party as well as a past president of the Kiwanis Club of Liverpool. He enjoyed curling, fishing, antiquing and the outdoors. He will be fondly remembered as a kind, unassuming, true gentleman who gave generously of his love, time and talents to family, friends and co-workers. He will be sadly missed by all who knew him.
He is survived by his wife Sandra (Saanum), his daughter Rachel (Patrick) Stiles of Hammonds Plains.
Cremation has taken place under the direction of Chandlers’ Funeral Home, Liverpool where visitation will be held Saturday, March 15, 2014 from 7 until 9 p.m. Funeral service will be held Sunday, March 16, 2014 at 2:00 p.m. in Zion United Church, Liverpool. Reverend Sheila Redden-Smith officiating. Burial will be held at a later date. No flowers by request. Donations may be made to QEII Foundation, the Queens General Hospital Foundation or to any charity. Online condolences may be made to
Monday, 10 March 2014
Zion sends Sympathies & Condolences to the Family of Betty Killam
Killam; Mary Elizabeth
KILLAM - Mary Elizabeth “Betty”, 91, of Liverpool passed away peacefully on Wednesday, March 5, 2014 at home surrounded by family.
Born in Moncton, NB., she was a daughter of the late George and Verna (Mann) Reid.
Betty was a seamstress and dress maker for most of her life and a former salesclerk with Liverpool Ladies Wear for over 13 years. She was an avid sports fan enjoying many sports such as curling, golf, bowling and badminton to name a few. She enjoyed baseball and was a Liverpool Larruper and Boston Red Sox fan. She loved to knit, do needle point, rug braiding and refinishing wooden furniture by hand. She loved to cook, bake and was well known within the family as the maker of the “best lobster chowder around”. She was an avid bridge player and played in marathon bridge tournaments. She enjoyed gardening and “spoiling” her cats.
She is survived by her daughters Shaune (Gordon) MacLeod of Liverpool, Randi (Ted) Dickie of Brooklyn and Patricia VanBeek of Eagle Head. Her sons William “Bill” of Sandy Cove and Greg (Lisa) of Liverpool. (13) thirteen grandchildren and (7) seven great-grandchildren.
She was predeceased by her husband Arthur P., her daughter Elizabeth Keating, sons-in-law James Keating and Joseph VanBeek, sisters Anna and Phyllis Parker.
Cremation has taken place under the direction of Chandlers’ Funeral Home, Liverpool. Funeral service will be Saturday, March 15, 2014 at 2:00 p.m. from Zion United Church, Liverpool. Reverend Sheila Redden-Smith officiating. Burial will be at a later date. No flowers by request. Donations may be made to Heart and Stroke Foundation of Nova Scotia or to Queens General Hospital Foundation. Online condolences may be made to
Wednesday, 5 March 2014
General Secretary's Weekly Letter
March 4, 2014
Dear Friends,
I’m looking forward to a supper of pancakes drizzled (or drenched!) with syrup along with a sausage or two to balance all that sweetness. This meal, eaten in a busy church, is one I have enjoyed pretty well every year of my life. I probably have missed a year or two along the way, but can’t quite recall when.
This tradition marks the beginning of Lent. It is good to have this modest time of celebration before beginning the time of deprivation or at least spiritual reflection that helps us prepare for the grief of Good Friday followed by the joy of Easter.
For all those involved with congregational pancake suppers, you might find it fun to take part in the first-ever United Church Pancake Supper Census (Clearly we don’t collect enough statistics already, but this sounds like fun!)
The United Church website connects us to a wealth of resources we can use during Lent. Lent happens every year, but every year we seem to want—and come up with—new ways to explore it.
For those who enjoy trying new ways to engage, our Moderator Gary Paterson has developed Turn Around and Take Off, an online Lenten study. I know he worked away at that during some of his time “off” after New Year’s, and I’m excited to see it unfold.
I understand one of the participants in the online study will be Debbie McMillan, who wrote Confronted by Jesus, the United Church’s study book for this Lenten season. I have already started looking at that book and plan to use it through these coming weeks, even taking it with me for reflection on our spring break vacation.
I go back and forth about whether to mark Lent by giving something up or simply committing to a pattern of daily reflection. I noticed in the new Observer a reference to Lee Simpson’s blog about her year of buying nothing, and I went to the site and read some of her commentary about making this commitment and living it out. I have to admit that I am not quite up to the commitment that Lee has made, but she has inspired me to think that for Lent this year, I would like to try a more limited version, by refraining from buying anything for myself except for food and basic toiletries. As the parent of a teenager, I think it might be unfair to him to make a blanket commitment to not buy anything at all for the next 40 days, but even this lesser “sacrifice” will make me think. I do love acquiring, either new or second-hand, all kinds of nice things for the home, but perhaps this time of Lent will help me realize how many things I don’t really need.
May you find challenge, peace, and meaning in your own journey through Lent.
Wednesday, 19 February 2014
Thursday, 13 February 2014
General Secretary's Weekly Letter
Dear Friends,
I always get excited when the Olympics are on. It’s really the only time when I am an avid sports fan. Like many Canadians, I particularly enjoy the winter Olympics. These mornings when I’m out for a quick cross-country ski before work, I think of those incredible skiers I saw on TV, powering uphill at the end of their 30-kilometre race—even though I’ll never be competitive in skiing or any other sport!
In the media coverage, you hear some wonderful stories about the journeys the athletes have taken to get to the point of competing in the Olympics. They have trained day after day when they felt like it and when they didn’t, setting aside other parts of their young lives, pushing themselves to extreme physical limits. There are stories of family support and sacrifice, of injuries overcome, of rivalries and friendships.
We watch these athletes with fascination as they push beyond their limits, risking doing their best, in a very public way.
Like most people with jobs and busy lives, I have been watching the Olympics this week at night or very early in the morning. In between, I spent a couple of days with the Comprehensive Review Task Group. Talk about people who set aside their own lives and work hard for a greater good.
Members have the sense of having risked in a most public way, too, with the release last week of Fishing on the Other Side , a discussion paper that contains some preliminary structural concepts for the church that is going to presbyteries and others for comment and advice. Members of the task group have toiled over the ideas in the discussion paper, and now they are offering it to the church to work with.
The facilitated conversations with communities of faith that the task group initiated between April 2013 and January 2014 showed there is a lot of openness to change in the United Church. Just what those changes should be, though, is a discussion that is far from over!
Those Olympic athletes have cheering sections back home that support their efforts. I heard from Yellowknife friends about a gathering at 4 a.m. at the field house where local speed skaters train, so supporters could watch together the preliminary heat of their local Olympian, Michael Gilday. I’m sure this week there have been hometown gatherings like that in many arenas and village halls and basement rec rooms across Canada.
Towards the end of this week’s meeting of the Comprehensive Review Task Group, one of the members shared a note of encouragement he had received from a friend. It wasn’t a message of support for all the ideas offered – it wasn’t about that. Rather, it was a recognition of the effort, dedication, and vision the task group and people across our church are offering as we look together to the future.
Excellence, exceptional effort, commitment, and risk… may God bless all who offer these gifts.
Wednesday, 12 February 2014
General Council News Release
Immediate Release
Friday, February 7, 2014
Canada Must Continue to Oppose Russia's Anti-LGBTQ Laws
Toronto: The United Church of Canada sent a letter today congratulating Minister of Foreign Affairs John Baird on the stance he has taken in support of the rights of lesbian, gay, bisexual, trans, and queer (LGBTQ) people in Russia.
"Your leadership in advocating for the protection of the human rights of all people, especially those who are most marginalized, such as gay, lesbian, bisexual, trans, and queer people in Russia, underscores Canada's commitment to protecting and promoting human rights globally," says the letter.
The letter notes that the United Church, Canada's largest Protestant denomination, has long supported acceptance and inclusion of all human beings as persons made in the image of God regardless of their sexual orientation or gender identity.
"As Christians, we reject the assertion that homosexuality is an offence against God and threatens the 'spiritual values' of a culture," says the letter.
The letter continues, "Cultures that last and are life-giving build in correctives to myths and rumours not based in fact. Much of the work in the struggle against the HIV/AIDS pandemic has focused on dispelling myths and ending marginalization on the basis of sexual orientation."
The complete text of the letter to John Baird is available on The United Church of Canada's website ( ).
For more information
Mary-Frances Denis
The United Church of Canada
416-231-7680 ext. 2016 (office)
1-800-268-3781 ext. 2016 (toll free)
Friday, February 7, 2014
Canada Must Continue to Oppose Russia's Anti-LGBTQ Laws
Toronto: The United Church of Canada sent a letter today congratulating Minister of Foreign Affairs John Baird on the stance he has taken in support of the rights of lesbian, gay, bisexual, trans, and queer (LGBTQ) people in Russia.
"Your leadership in advocating for the protection of the human rights of all people, especially those who are most marginalized, such as gay, lesbian, bisexual, trans, and queer people in Russia, underscores Canada's commitment to protecting and promoting human rights globally," says the letter.
The letter notes that the United Church, Canada's largest Protestant denomination, has long supported acceptance and inclusion of all human beings as persons made in the image of God regardless of their sexual orientation or gender identity.
"As Christians, we reject the assertion that homosexuality is an offence against God and threatens the 'spiritual values' of a culture," says the letter.
The letter continues, "Cultures that last and are life-giving build in correctives to myths and rumours not based in fact. Much of the work in the struggle against the HIV/AIDS pandemic has focused on dispelling myths and ending marginalization on the basis of sexual orientation."
The complete text of the letter to John Baird is available on The United Church of Canada's website ( ).
For more information
Mary-Frances Denis
The United Church of Canada
416-231-7680 ext. 2016 (office)
1-800-268-3781 ext. 2016 (toll free)
Wednesday, 5 February 2014
Monday, 3 February 2014
The Zion Family sends Condolences to Alene Seaman
The Zion United Church would like to express our sympathies and send our condolences to the families of Alene Seaman.
SEAMAN -- Alene Shupe, 92, of Liverpool, Queens County, passed away peacefully in Queens General Hospital, Liverpool on January 30, 2014.
Born in Charleston, Queens County, she was a daughter of the late Boardman and Frances (Anthony) Shupe.
Known for her cooking and knitting, Alene continued to volunteer with functions in Charleston as long as she was able and produced many pairs of mittens for the Queens General Hospital Hustle. She operated a small restaurant in Sandy Cove in her younger days and was an employee of Queens Manor for a number of years.
She is survived by her daughters Sandy (David) Bessonette of Dartmouth, Paula (Dr. Al.) Doucet of Liverpool, grandchildren Dr. Paul Bessonette and Jack Bessonette, Nikki Doucet and Andre Doucet, several nieces and nephews.
She was predeceased by her sister Phyllis Anthony and brothers Earl and Eugene.
The full obituary for Alene Seaman can be found at the address below:
The Zion Family sends Condolences to Betty Minard
The Zion
United Church
would like to express our sympathies and send our condolences to the families
of Betty Minard.
Minard, Cora Elizabeth “Betty”, 89, of Liverpool, passed
away peacefully on Saturday, January 25th, 2014, in Queens Manor, Liverpool .
Born in Liverpool , she was
a daughter of the late Andrew and Margaret (Ryer) Norman.
Betty was a member of the Business and Professional Women’s
Club, a life member of the I.O.D.E. and the UCW. She enjoyed bridge and
travelling with her late husband Alan.
She is survived by her sister Myra
(A.V. “Bert”) Wiles of Liverpool, stepdaughter Patricia of Caledonia and
stepson Richard of Ottawa, sister-in-law Sue Norman of Liverpool
and brother-in-law William Mulhall of Hantsport.
She was predeceased by her husband Alan, sisters Myrtle
Mouzar, Aileen Huskins, Phyllis Swim, Barbara Mulhall, Daisy English, Margaret
Sagloski; brothers Maurice and Douglas and stepdaughter Janice.
The full obituary for Betty Minard can be found at the
address below:
Thursday, 30 January 2014
Monday, 27 January 2014
General Secretary's Weekly Letter
January 22, 2014
Dear Friends,
This is the World Council of Churches (WCC) Week of Prayer for Christian Unity.
It’s quite a mouthful, but I always love the idea of joining in prayer with people all over the world. (Or at least in the northern hemisphere. I note from the WCC website that the southern hemisphere does it during Pentecost. I’m not sure what that says about unity, except that it is something we Christians continue to work toward.)
The scriptural theme for the Week of Prayer this year is 1 Corinthians 1:1-17 , a rich passage that speaks of the grace offered to all of us, and the importance of there being no differences or quarrels amongst the people of the church. Surely, there is much to pray about in this passage.
At the General Council Office (joined by colleagues in Manitou Conference), we are praying through this week using a “week of guided prayer” model. I’m excited to be taking part. It’s voluntary, of course, but those who signed up are enjoying the opportunity to spend time each day reflecting on scripture, discussing it in groups of two or three, and praying together.
It wasn’t too complicated to plan. (Although perhaps that’s easy for me to say when Alydia Smith did most of the planning, and other colleagues here wrote reflections and prayers for each day!) Anyway, it’s kind of humbling to reflect that even working in a church office, we intentionally have to create an opportunity to pray and reflect on scripture together.
I know many others are better than I am about regular daily spiritual practice, but I also suspect there are others like me who need to be prompted in this way from time to time.
No matter how faithful we are in our regular practices, taking part in a focused prayer exercise like this is a wonderful opportunity for renewal. I’m appreciating going deeper into some familiar passages of scripture, and having conversations with colleagues that are simply about our faith. We’ve commented that these conversations and their scriptural sources come to mind at different times during the day, in our work, and the rest of our lives.
As a church, we are in the midst of extensive reflection and planning about our structures and the kind of church we want to be in the future. Through prayer and scripture, we are reminded that the guidance we need is there for us. Thanks be to God.
Monday, 13 January 2014
General Secretary's Weekly Letter
January 20, 2014
Greetings in this new year.
On the first Sunday of the new year, the man who was to read the scripture got up at the beginning of the service and talked about how important this congregation has been to him. He explained that not too long after he had started attending, a serious car accident had left his two young children with severe injuries. He said he didn’t know what he would have done through that time, and the days and months that followed, without the support of the ministers and the people of the congregation.
It was deeply touching, and at the same time not at all surprising to anyone rooted in church life. We treasure, and yet somehow expect, that a congregation will embrace those in need and accompany them through the sorrows and joys of life. It isn’t just about community either; as people of faith, we are offered a greater context for experiencing the things in life that we simply can’t make sense of. We accept that there are mysteries beyond human understanding, and we trust that God’s love surrounds us in our times of need.
The richness of a life in faith is something too precious ever to be taken for granted.
Hearing this brief testimony during worship, I wondered how we could do better at sharing with those outside congregations and outside church life the strength and comfort that is offered to followers of Christ.
Sometimes, I get the impression that people who aren’t part of church think our lives are all about following commandments and seeing the world through a lens of great certainty. For me, it is much more about being part of a community that equips me to live with mystery and paradox.
Yesterday’s online discussion forum on was about what evangelism means in the United Church. I appreciated the wonderful comments about the opportunities we have to share the good news of Jesus Christ. (For any who missed taking part in the live discussion, you can view it here.)
I’ve been thinking about these things this week, through Epiphany, as I have thought, too, about the magi, those wise men, those strangers who travelled from afar, following a star. They didn’t know where the star would lead them, and yet surely as they journeyed they must have speculated about it. We know they went first to King Herod’s palace – surely that is some indication of what they thought they were heading towards. I wonder what they made of it all when they got to that stable (or whatever humble setting the family had found its way to by then) and delivered their princely gifts to an infant in such improbable circumstances.
They must have been amazed: the star was so clearly showing them the place, and yet the scene must have required quite an adjustment in their expectations. From what we know of the story, though, they approached the baby Jesus with reverence. Perhaps their awe was even greater because the setting was so unexpected.
Think of the conversations they must have had as they journeyed home along their different route. Or were there things they left unsaid because they were just too puzzling to talk about?
If the story happened these days, maybe they would have continued to follow the life of the Prince of Peace on Twitter, but I wonder if those three visitors ever knew much about the man who Jesus grew up to be. Maybe it was enough to have that encounter with the infant Jesus in the manger. That moment, at the very beginning of Jesus’ life, was the life-changing one for them.
Can you tell this is one of my favourite stories? I think that is because so much is left to wonder about.
May you be blessed in your lives and your ministries as we embark on this new year.
Monday, 6 January 2014
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