Zion Calendar

Tuesday, 16 July 2013

Awesome Camping at United Church Camp!

I wanted to share our experience at Family Camp this past weekend. We had an awesome time and Micheal loved it. This was planned as a prelude to Micheal spending time there on his own next year. We will definitely be attending the next weekend family camp on August 9-11. There is plenty of room for more families. The cabins are all booked, but there is plenty of space for tents.

Micheal made friends as soon as he arrived. Here, Micheal, Toby and Kedge check out the lake. 

Tether ball was a huge hit with all the kids.

The dining hall. Seely in charge of the kitchen was a master at providing food. I hear she has been there for over 30 years. 

This trail was named after Harold Emenau. Harold was one of the original founders of Sherbrooke Lake Camp. There is a plaque in the dining hall with all the founder's names on it. The camp will be celebrating it's 50th Anniversary next year. 

The trail leads to Chapel Island where Vesper was held each evening. 

The beach in the evening curving around to Chapel Island, where we walked to each evening for Vesper.

All kids love a craft!

The lake and the swimming was superb.

A 3 legged Race about the break out.

Canoeing was an option any time of the day.

Saturday night is a cook out on the beach for supper.  

A simple tire swing brought such enjoyment.

The camping area or our home for the weekend. No mod cons here.

Every night after Vesper was a camp fire with singing and performances by the camp counsellors.

The recreation hall. So the camp is prepared for bad weather. They just plan activities in doors, but so many games for use any time of the day. 

The campground is set on the best part of Sherbrooke Lake and the beach is just superb as it has been cultivated for the last 50 years.  

A long running tradition at Sherbrooke Lake Camp is the candle lighting ceremony on the last night of each camp. A candle is light for each family/ person at camp and a prayer is said and then the cross is sent out onto the water.  

If you want to join in Sherbrooke Lake Camp, check out all the info on www.sherbrookelakecamp.org

Sherbrooke Lake camp also welcomes guests anytime. So if you find yourself on the Forties Road in New Ross, drop on in and take a look around. 

I have also downloaded a few more videos taken from the weekend and these can be viewed by clicking on the YOUTUBE icon in the right column.