Zion Calendar

Sunday, 28 April 2013

This Week at Zion

Thanks to Dan MacLaren for leading the worship service today in Rev Sheila's absence. This weekend across Canada the United Church recognizes the Church Camp and the wonderful role that it plays in the life's of our youth and families. The service today was dedicated to camping, camp fires, welcoming each other and telling stories to each other. 

It was all very cozy with the chairs in a circle and the tent and make shift camp fire. We recognize the United Church Camp in our area, Sherbrooke Lake Camp as they prepare for the coming season of fun, learning and making new friends. 

John Pitblado brought in a lighthouse to share with us. A friend sent him this after he told them the story abut our Zion Lighthouse. 

Dan a camp fire story to Brooke and Micheal. The Turtle and the Broken Truth.
The kids played in the tent and we wore our camping hats. 

If you would like further information on the Sherbrooke Lake Camp, please go to www.sherbrooklakecamp.org

Hope you can all join us next week as Rev Sheila leads us in worship at Zion United.