Zion Calendar

Sunday, 28 April 2013

This Week at Zion

Thanks to Dan MacLaren for leading the worship service today in Rev Sheila's absence. This weekend across Canada the United Church recognizes the Church Camp and the wonderful role that it plays in the life's of our youth and families. The service today was dedicated to camping, camp fires, welcoming each other and telling stories to each other. 

It was all very cozy with the chairs in a circle and the tent and make shift camp fire. We recognize the United Church Camp in our area, Sherbrooke Lake Camp as they prepare for the coming season of fun, learning and making new friends. 

John Pitblado brought in a lighthouse to share with us. A friend sent him this after he told them the story abut our Zion Lighthouse. 

Dan a camp fire story to Brooke and Micheal. The Turtle and the Broken Truth.
The kids played in the tent and we wore our camping hats. 

If you would like further information on the Sherbrooke Lake Camp, please go to www.sherbrooklakecamp.org

Hope you can all join us next week as Rev Sheila leads us in worship at Zion United. 

Wednesday, 24 April 2013

General Secretary's Weekly Letter

Dear Friends,

It was a full week last week. Either in spite of that or because of that, on Thursday night I found myself running out of time and without inspiration for a weekly letter. I concluded that I would have to skip the week.
Then the events of Friday unfolded, and on a subway ride downtown for a meeting, I found myself writing. Here is what I wrote:
I ate breakfast to the news that the whole city of Boston was under lockdown as police searched for one of the men believed to have set the devastating bombs at the Boston Marathon on Monday.
Going about my regular activities at home and at work, I have tried to imagine what it is like for a whole city full of people to be told to stay in their homes and keep their doors locked. Our door at home is seldom locked when we are home. I try to think what it would be like to lock it and tell my son that he couldn't go to school or out to see his friends, couldn’t leave the house at all. Would we be afraid to even let the dogs out?
This kind of thing may be familiar in various parts of the world, but it is beyond the usual experience of North Americans. We don’t expect it in a place like Boston. We don’t expect it could ever be where we live. But it did happen in Boston, and it makes me wonder about where people find faith in the midst of such fear.
What do people think about when they are ordered to lock themselves in their homes? Do they pray? Will they ever feel the same again about their homes, and their city? About their world?
I got about that far by the time I finished the subway ride back, but then I checked my BlackBerry and found a message from my son, and another from his high school, saying there had been a bomb threat and the school had been evacuated. By the time I got home, things had settled down, but by the time everything had sorted out and I had reconnected with Johny the afternoon was done and the weekly letter wasn’t!
Maybe there isn’t much more to say, except that sometimes the stories end up a little too close to home.
The psalm for Sunday’s lectionary was the 23rd Psalm. It isn’t that evil won’t exist, but that in the comfort of our good shepherd, we need not fear it. Isn’t that enough.

Peace be with you.
Nora Sanders

Sunday, 21 April 2013

This week at Zion United

There was a great crowd in church today. We had Rev. Sheila's son, Troy, and his wife Crystal and their 3 young girls, Eva, Abigail & Evelyn with us. I am sure that made for a lively Sunday school with Randi Dickie.

It is nice to see so many children in church. Robbie enjoys this and Rev Sheila can spread the Gospel according to Robbie with the children. 

Next week, Rev. Sheila will be away on conference and Dan MacLaren will be conduting the service. We will be having a special camping Sunday service. 

Please come in casual dress t celebrate camping. Dress for camping and wear your camp fire hat. 

As you know the United Church has a summer camp for all ages and dynamics, and registration is possible as of now at their website, www.sherbrookelakecamp.org. They are getting ready for 2013 camping season and invite you to come out and help us get camp ready for the summer.  Camp cleanup is April 27th 
                                    starting at 8:30am rain or shine.

Tuesday, 16 April 2013

Sherbrooke Lake United Church Camp

For more information on this year's camp program, go to www.sherbrookelakecamp.org

Sunday, 14 April 2013

The General Secretary's Weekly Letter

Dear Friends,

Mimico Creek, which I cross each day on the way to work, has different characters in different seasons.
There are times in the cold of winter when you can walk across its solid surface. You have to be careful, though, not to venture out on it on the days when the surface looks solid but is actually very thin under a blanket of snow.
On a hot summer day, you can relax, standing on smooth, worn rocks, and feel the coolness of the gently flowing waters.
Today it is a torrent, swollen by melting snow banks and heaving spring rains draining from the hillsides, so that it is almost overflowing its banks. The smooth rocks lie well below the surface now, and you couldn’t stand in the water without being swept off your feet in the currents.
The great variety of God’s creation fills me with wonder.
There are many seasons in the life of the church, too.
Today, seeing the creek frothing and racing with the waters flowing from every part of the larger watershed, I thought of the engagement process of conversations with every congregation and local ministry that has just been launched by the Comprehensive Review Task Group
Facilitators have been trained and an invitation has gone out across the church. I’m told the response is considerable already: people from many, many pastoral charges, community ministries, congregations, and faith communities will take part in conversations that will feed into – or perhaps flow into – the conversation that began nationally with General Council’s decision to establish the Comprehensive Review Task Group.
I hope that the task group will be flooded with stories of hopes and fears, and with ideas and dreams for our denomination. 
May God stir the currents of our souls into powerful rivers of faith.


God declares, that I will pour out my Spirit on all flesh, and your sons and your daughters shall prophesy, and your young men shall see visions, and your old men shall dream dreams. Acts 2:17

The General Secretary's letter is distributed to staff at the General Council Office and colleagues across the United Church. If you are receiving this you may also want to see Moderator Gary Paterson's blog. Visit www.garypaterson.ca and select "Follow" in the lower right to get an e-mail notice whenever he has a new post.
The United Church of Canada
3250 Bloor Street West, Suite 300
Toronto Ontario M8X 2Y4 Canada

This Week at Zion United

It was an exciting Service at Zion this Sunday. Rev Sheila Redden-Smith led her first service at Zion and we were joined by the Edmonton Children's Choir. 

Our snow birds are slowly returning and we welcomed back lots of familiar faces. It was a very full house today. 

The Edmonton Children's Choir consisted of a girl's choir and a boy's choir and we were treated to 3 fabulous performances.

Robbie was in the Castle and he delighted Rev Sheila with the gospel according to Robbie. 

Wednesday, 10 April 2013

General Secretary's Weekly Letter

Dear Friends,

I'm sitting in the back seat of a car riding back from a meeting with the United Church of Christ in Cleveland.  The landscape we are passing looks familiar:  it's very similar here to southern Ontario, and the arrival of spring is at about the same stage. 

Similarly, when we meet with United Church of Christ colleagues, there is much that is familiar in our conversations.  We face common challenges of being an inclusive church sharing the good news of Jesus Christ in an increasingly secular society.  There is lots to learn from each other, and perhaps to work on together.  Many things feel the same, and some things are quite different, and there are things to learn from both.   
Sometimes, there are reminders that although we have a lot in common, we are in quite different countries.  At lunch time, I looked at some buttons with slogans about various justice campaigns the United Church of Christ is involved in. One that caught my eye said, "Don't Kill for Me."  I looked at it trying to understand what it was about.  My first thought was that it was an anti-war message of some kind, but then I read the subtext: "I oppose the death penalty."  Oh yeah, how could I forget that.  I recall that in my days working in the justice system, when we met with counterparts from the United States, I used to reflect that I wouldn't have wanted to – in conscience wouldn't have been able to – serve in a senior Justice Department position in the United States.  It's strange to have a neighbouring country, so similar in so many ways, yet with startling reminders of difference.
On a different note, it was interesting that when President Obama was inaugurated, the day began with a church service that was attended by the President and his family, and many of the dignitaries who were involved in the official proceedings. Their arrival at the church was covered on national television, although the actual church service wasn't.  Even though our Prime Minister is a person of faith, this official kind of church connection with a state event would be most unlikely in Canada.  A few days after the inauguration in the United States, Ontario's new premier-designate gave her first media statement after the leadership convention at 11 o'clock on a Sunday morning.  She is a United Church person, a regular church attender, so this wasn't about her lack of faith connection.  It spoke to a different set of public assumptions on this side of the border.
As we drive through Ohio, past beautiful woodlands similar to many parts of southern Canada, and yet part of a different country, I am grateful both to be Canadian, and to have opportunities to get to know our near neighbours.  I celebrate the things we have in common, and the things that keep us different.
May all blessings be with you.


The General Secretary's letter is distributed to staff at the General Council Office and colleagues across the United Church. If you are receiving this you may also want to see Moderator Gary Paterson's blog. Visit www.garypaterson.ca and select "Follow" in the lower right to get an e-mail notice whenever he has a new post.
The United Church of Canada
3250 Bloor Street West, Suite 300
Toronto Ontario M8X 2Y4 Canada

Monday, 8 April 2013

This week at Zion United

 Service was led today by Rev, Lloyd Gilleo and we thank him for being able to be here at Zion to provide his leadership during this time. 
All the best to Loyd and Iris. Have a great summer and enjoy the deck! 

Message from Rev. Gillieo - It has been a privilege and a blessing to conduct some services at Zion.  I was richly blessed by visiting at the Nursing Home and a number of in home visits.  Thank you for inviting me to minister in this way.  Iris and I will continue to pray for the ministry at Zion United.

We were blessed with the presence of Audrey Milford this Sunday and as always her participation in the Lighthouse sharing. Thanks Audrey. It was lovely to see you in Church. 
Ray and Carol Baker are back from their vacation in Florida and a Caribbean Cruise looking well refreshed. Just so they did not feel for being away, we put them straight back to work in church. Ray read the scriptures this week and Carol was hard at work helping out in the kitchen. We are so lucky to have you as part of the Zion family. 

 Richard Mailman was our Guest Musician today and we 3 performances from Richard, and his friend and daughter. 

EXTRA EXTRA!!! Read all about it. Zion makes front page of the Queens County Advance.

 The publicity was all over the Pulse of Queens County as well as in the Queens County Advance this week for the Madd Hatter Tea. Some great pics showing off our members. Congratulations to  
Shaune MacLeod and Shirley Melanson for organizing this fundraising event and to Gordon and the rest of the Zion men for their awesome help serving. Shaune announced in Church today that over $500 was raised. 

Thursday, 4 April 2013

Madd Hatter Tea a Success

Thanks to all those that joined in the Madd Hatter Tea. Everyone had a grand time and the hats were absolutely fabulous. 
Enjoy these pictures from the event.
 Madd Hats, Period Hats, Posh Hats

 All the men served at the tea. I like the way you think ladies.

Flower Hats and Disney Hats. Perfect choices!!

2013 United Church Sherbrooke Lake Camp

There is more information available at Zion United Church. Drop by or call or you can go to the Sherbrooke Lake Camp website. www.sherbrookelakecamp.org