Our Worship Leader this Sunday, the Second Sunday of Lent,
February 24, was Dan MacLaren
Second Sunday of Lent Prayer
Heavenly Father, we are called to walk by the light of Christ, your Son, and to trust in his wisdom.
During Lent we submit ourselves to him more and more and strive to believe in him with all our heart.
I enter on this path of repentance so that in dying to self I might rise to new life.
Lord Jesus, you spoke peace to a sinful world and brought mankind the gift of reconciliation by the suffering and death you endured.
Teach us to follow your example. Increase our faith, hope and charity so that we may turn hatred to love and conflict to peace.
Give me a perfect heart to receive your work, that I may bring forth fruit in patience.
Renew our eagerness to work with you in building a better world, so that all may hear your gospel of peace and justice.
Dan also read a Poem in Memory of the
Fishermen of the Miss Alley, that were lost at Sea.
Come friends there is a story, I will relay to you
about the boat Miss Ally, five men made up her crew
She left the wharf for fishing grounds, the weather it was fair
not knowing what awaited them, and that the end was near
It was Sunday on the seventeenth, a storm it did arise
the waves were high with gusting winds, it caught them by surprise
They bravely fought and battled, but with wind the sea it heaves
the crew and boat Miss Ally, slipped beneath the waves
How can life be so unfair, we cannot understand
sometimes in life we are dealt , what seems a losing hand
But there is an explanation, to you I will relay
God has a plan for everyone, for each and every day
God blesses us with loved ones, that we hold so dear
although he seems so far away, he is always very neat.
We even wonder and ask ourselves, 'how could God do this?'
but it hereby proves to all of us, that he only takes the best.
In heaven there is happiness, the streets with gold are laid
it is a place so perfect, that roses never fade
It is there the ones we loved are called,the ones we hold so dear
and when we stop and think of it, it is really very clear
God needs someone to do the things,much like we do on earth
on the fishing boats of heaven, he chooses who gets a berth
Although today you are left to mourn, there is one thing that is true
in choosing the ones you loved so much,he now has a perfect crew
The seas of heaven are always calm, never a heavy swell
for God prepares a perfect place, where our loved ones are called to dwell
The fishing nets are always full,the skies so very clear
and the boats are manned by the very ones, that we hold so dear
So as you travel down life's road, may it comfort you to know
that God is watching over them, for he has them in his fold
Even though you feel alone, and you must bear the pain
may you cherish all the memories, until you meet again
This boat and crew has joined God's fleet, they fish the seas on high
never more to sail rough seas, never more to die
God will guide them evermore, in waters that are still
and bring them safely home each day, to that mansion on the hill
God bless their little children, their families and their friends
surround them with your peacefulness, and love that never ends
Hold them gently when they cry, and wipe away their tears
help them try to understand, and take away their fears
God bless these men has they sail, down heavens shore each day
guide them with your loving hand, don't let them go astray
God bless this boat from stern to stem, from wheelhouse down to galley
as she sails your peaceful shores, the good boat named Miss Ally.
These beautiful Potted Mums were placed in the Sanctuary today in Memory of Joanne Strum by her Loving Mother Jean Strum and Family.
Miss Barb chatted with Robbie and held a fun Sunday School class today and the consensus was, it's a duck, no it's an owl, no it's a chicken. Hey kids, it can be whatever you want it to be.
Marjorie Speed- Powell keeps the Choir going each week with the Ministry of Music Performance.
Zion United Annual Report 2012